Dear Laney,
All through my pregnancy, you haven't given me one bit of trouble, EXCEPT... It seems you like to hang out upside down. Before it's time for you to get here, we need to find a way to get you turned the right way. Peg Peg says the problem is that you're nosy and you want to hear what everyone else is saying, so you refused to tuck your head.
We read somewhere that if I lie upside down, that we might get you to flip. Your dad built me a ramp, and I would lie with my head hanging down every night, but it didn't work. We tried shining a flashlight on my belly for a little while to show you where you should go. You thought it was cool for about a minute, then you were over it.
Finally, we heard about an ancient Chinese remedy. I ordered some herbs online, and your dad and Amy helped me follow the directions. We were supposed to light the herbs and hold them next to my pinkie toes. We tried it, but all it did was fill our house with funny smelling smoke and give your dad a reason to play "Bob Marley's Greatest Hits." Someday, I will explain to you why this is funny.
Even though we didn't convince you to flip, we all had a great time trying. I can't remember when I've laughed so hard.