Dear Laney,
We woke up on August 24th, and you still weren't here. Our wonderful midwife Jeanne came over and spent the day with us at Nate and Brynn's. We tried everything we could think of to convince you to come out, but you just didn't want to budge. I guess you were happy right where you were.
At 8pm, we decided that we needed to go to the hospital - maybe THEY could talk you into making your grand entrance. We met with Dr Braak, who told us that you might be bigger than we thought you were. We all started making guesses at how big you were going to be. Dr Braak guessed ten pounds. We had the nicest nurses you can imagine, and they helped your mom get ready for surgery. Your Aunt Brynn was there, and since she's a nurse, she got to come with us. We walked down to the operating room to get ready to bring you into the world.
Your dad came in and looked so handsome in his scrubs. He held my hand while I laid on the table. This wasn't at all how we thought your birth would be, but it didn't matter. All that we cared about was that you were safe and healthy and almost here!
But you STILL didn't want to come out. I heard Dr Braak say "Work with me, kid!" Then, at 10:41pm, she lifted you out of me and held you up for me to see. Your face was a little smushed up - you had had a VERY hard day, and you had a full head of VERY dark hair.
The nurses took you over to the scale to be weighed and I heard them say "Oh...my...GOD!" It turns out you were a little over 11 pounds. Then you started to cry and we knew you were going to be okay.
Your dad and I got to hold you for a little while, and I think we were both in shock - we couldn't believe that we were finally parents, and that we were going to be responsible for this little person. Your dad had tears in his eyes, and he just kept whispering "You're so awesome. You're so awesome."
We all slept together in the hospital room - our first night as a family.
Welcome to the world, Baby Girl!