Dear Laney,
That's a picture of your doctor, Rebecca Hoover. We love her. We like the way she calls you "kiddo" and always tells you how adorable you are.
We took you in for your two month appointment today, and we learned that you're in the 75th percentile for height and "off the charts" for weight. You weighed in at a robust 15 pounds, 2 ounces. Hoover says that in addition to being adorable, you seems like the perfect baby - in great health with a great disposition. We were all on cloud nine.
Then, it came time for the shots.
Two nurses came in so they could each give you two shots in each leg. I held your hand and cried. Then you cried. Your dad didn't know which one of us to console first. Then, you calmed down and quit crying, but I cried all the way to the car. Okay, I cried all the way to Walgreen's where I bought some infant Tylenol in case the you needed it later.
This motherhood thing is rough.
Then, it came time for the shots.
Two nurses came in so they could each give you two shots in each leg. I held your hand and cried. Then you cried. Your dad didn't know which one of us to console first. Then, you calmed down and quit crying, but I cried all the way to the car. Okay, I cried all the way to Walgreen's where I bought some infant Tylenol in case the you needed it later.
This motherhood thing is rough.