Dear Laney,
What a big full day we had!
This afternoon, you and your dad went to the park while I took a class in Infant CPR. I learned what to do if you ever start choking, which is good since lately you want to cram anything in your mouth that's smaller than a toaster. Actually, you would probably also gum the toaster. In class today, we were taught that the correct procedure involves balancing you on one arm, like so:

This is when I started to suspect that I should be taking plain old adult CPR, because there's no way I could balance you on one arm like this. You're just too...substantial.
After the class, we went to a baby shower for our new friend Brooke. We ran into our childbirth teacher, Jody, and it was nice to introduce you to each other since the last time Jody saw me, you weren't born yet and I was the size of a tank.
There were lots of kids playing in the yard, so you sat in the grass while a sweet 2 year old sat next to you and you stared at each other. Eventually, she got tired of staring and started to walk off, but she tripped over you and knocked you over and accidentally stepped on your head. You know it's a party when you have a footprint on your forehead.
At the shower, everyone played a game where we tasted different colors of baby food and tried to guess what the flavor was. You sat on my lap and were my partner, and I have no doubt that you enjoyed this game more than anyone else there.

When we left the party, you had winter squash stuck to your eyebrows. Party on.
Lastly, we went to Uncle Nate and Aunt Brynn's for dinner, which was great fun. Uncle Nate made his signature hamburgers that are the size of softballs, and you and Aunt Brynn got to hang out together for a while.
You were a treat from start to finish today.
You made us proud, party girl.