Here's a list of random things that have happened lately. They're not really blog-worthy on their own, but maybe if I throw them all in here together the whole will be greater than the sum of its parts.
We went to Target yesterday, where we discovered they now sell baby food in little pouches. I think they're meant to be squeezed into a bowl for serving, but you prefer to use them as a firehose-like method of food delivery. You're a big fan of cutting out the middleman.
We've put our house on the market, and one of the things we have to do to sell it is have a well dug in the backyard. These guys are out there now, trying to find water, but it looks to me like they're drilling for oil. If they DO hit oil, that'd be super, 'cause I could quit worrying about how to pay for your college education.
A few nights ago, you were lifting your shirt over your head repeatedly, so I said "Let's practice something for when you're older. I'm going to say 'Show me your boobies!' and you're going to say 'NO!'" Unfortunately, you thought it was great fun when I hollered this at you, and you only lifted your shirt higher. You are officially banned from ever going to New Orleans or Lake Havasu.
Your new method of "crawling" is to pull yourself around on your forearms and just let the rest of your body drag behind you on the hardwood floors. It isn't very pretty, but it's effective and will come in handy if you ever go through boot camp.

...which you won't have to do. Because we're going to hit oil in the backyard.