Dear Laney,
There were so many cars and muddy trucks in the parking lot at the Alberton Community Center where the party was held, I almost thought we had accidentally arrived at a Jethro Tull concert. But nope, all these folks were there for Cedar:
When I grow up, I hope to have as many friends as she does now.
By the way, Cedar thinks your dad is hysterical. Hundreds of people line up to see Carrot Top every night in Vegas. I can't explain either one. As your dad explains it, he's "a hit with women under 2."
Someone had brought along a collection of tricycles to the party, and you were instantly in love. Your dad pushed you around on this one until he ran out of steam, then you were happy to just sit on it. I'd rush out and buy you one today, just to watch your eyes light up like you'd won the lottery, but your feet won't be able to reach the pedals for another four years.
On the other hand, if I get you the tricycle now, you can team up with all the other female toddlers in Alberton and start your own biker gang. Like the "Pink Ladies" ...all in matching size 2T pink satin jackets.
Of course it wasn't long before you fell in with a strange group of dogs. This guy here wanted you to throw his tennis ball, but since your throwing radius is about two feet, he wasn't sure if he was supposed to fetch it or not.

That was maybe the nastiest tennis ball I've ever encountered, and made me want to dip you in a vat of Purell.
Some of the adults - including The Other Brooke - had a great time playing badminton.
Later, you played your own version, which largely consisted of beating the bejeezus out of a soccer ball with a badminton racket. I love a good sports hybrid...maybe SocMinton will be the Frisbee Golf of the 2020s.
Well, it's been a long day and I'm off to bed. Happy birthday to Miss Cedar - may it be the first of many joyous birthdays to come.