Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Laney Vocabulary & Pronunciation Guide

Dear Laney,

You're up to three words these days:

1. "Mama" - pronounced as "Maaaaaaahhh-Maaaaaaah." You only use this word when you're displeased or have a grievance to air or have been disappointed by life. It's an awful pouty wail you pull out of your pocket when nothing else works.

2. "Dada" - pronounced as "Dadadadadadadadadadadad..." in a constant happy stream. This irritates me to no end, since there's no happy "mama" equivalent.

3. "Ella" - pronounced "EH-YUH!" The happiest sound of all. You sit at the back door and pound on the glass and shout Ella's name.

Speaking of, today you made Ella play blocks with you (which is why the string to your blocks set is still stuck between her paws), then you petted her while she tried to lie in your lap. You know what your next word should be? "Gentle." Because I say it hundreds of times a day to you - or once for every time you yank on Ella's ears.


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