Sunday, July 11, 2010

Weekend in Spokane

Dear Laney,

We drove over to Spokane this weekend to visit with the Tetz side of the family. Grandma Sue watched you while your dad and I went out to dinner; as your dad likes to say, we get a date night every time there's an equinox or a solstice (i.e., once every three months, give or take).

You had a good time hanging out this weekend with your great-grandfather Ron and your great-aunt Nancy. I like this picture of you and Nancy because you have the same expression on your faces - one that suggests that you've decided to go beat someone up, and all that's left is to figure out the details.

This morning, we rode over to Steve and Margaret Ann Walser's house - they're old friends of your dad's and Grandma Sue's - and enjoyed sitting by the lake. I of course rubbed you down with sunscreen the very second we got there because I know if you ever got a sunburn, your Granny Jack would fly up here from Montgomery just to yell at me in person.

Then, it was off to the races. You had a great time splashing in the water, sitting in the sand, and moving the same piece of bark in and out of a sand bucket for hours. Bark in. Bark out. Bark in. Bark out.

After the swimming and playing, you celebrated a perfect afternoon with cheese and crackers that you graciously shared with the Walser's dog, Lucy.

Or, as you liked to call her, "Ella."


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