Sunday, August 22, 2010

Laney of the Lake

Dear Laney,

This weekend, we went on a trip to Lake Pond Oreille in northern Idaho with your Grandma Sue & Erik and your uncle Nate.

You got to sit by the shore and throw rocks, which is one of your favorite pastimes. The rental house had a trampoline that you LOVED bouncing in with your dad and Nate. And when your dad and Nate took the canoe out for a spin, you ate strawberries with Grandma Sue and waited for them to come back.

You and I enjoyed sitting in the backyard and throwing handfulls of Cheerios to a seagull.

It was a great weekend for everyone, so thanks to Grandma Sue for putting it together.


P.S. Apparently, your grandmother read the blog post about not buying presents for you, so all weekend, you could hear her saying things like, "This is Grandma Sue's Zhu Zhu pet robotic hamster, but if you want to play with it, I guess that would be ok." So congrats to Sue for finding and exploiting the loophole in the "no presents " policy.

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