For my birthday this year, we all loaded up the car and drove to Spokane for a weekend of festivities.
Before we dropped you off at your Grandma Sue's for a ragin' slumber party, we stopped at Babies "R" Us for a few essentials: two pacifiers and a "Backyardigans" DVD. While you and I browsed the baby-proofing products, your dad said, "I'm just going to run out and grab a cup of coffee for the road." When he met us back in the parking lot, he told me that he was shocked - shocked! - to learn that the closest coffee drive-thru was called "Hotties With Lattes," and was staffed entirely by girls in lingerie. I only include this moment in the story so you can add "Hottie With Latte" to your mental list of Careers That Your Mama Doesn't Approve Of. Serving hot liquids in minimal clothing just doesn't make sense. It'd be like trying to cook grits naked.
So we dropped you off in Grandma Sue's capable hands, and your dad and I went and checked into the Davenport Hotel. I got a massage, which was heavenly, but I would have paid the same amount of money for someone to just leave me alone in a dark quiet room for an hour.
The hotel was nice, but for the life of me, I couldn't figure out the decor. Why on earth would a nice, new hotel be hosed down in naugahyde and faux leopard print? Unless Dolly Parton was having a yard sale, in which case all is forgiven.
Recently, photos have been revealed that suggest that while your parents were enjoying a leisurely dinner and remembering what it feels like to be rested, showered and wearing clothes that match...
your Grandma Sue apparently found you a gig working for tips at the Starlite Lounge:

I'm kidding, of course. What girl doesn't need pearls and a piano?
Even though your dad and I were in a nice, toddler-free hotel room, we still woke up every two hours all night long, because that's what you've trained us to do. And yet, when I woke up at 6am, I said, "Thor, I miss her. Let's go get the baby." See what I mean? Wackadoodle. [Note: This is probably a nicer way of referring to Stockholm Syndrome.]
On the way home to Montana, we stopped at the Mountain Gear store so you and your dad could check out the skis.
I'd like to mention that I got a new camera for my birthday and I'm crazy excited about it. It's about 90% smaller than the camera I've been hauling around, and it takes beautiful pictures, even through the windshield at 80mph:
If I had Oprah's money, I would buy one for everyone I know.
So...that was our big weekend. Thanks to Grandma Sue for all her help, and happy birthday to me.
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