Friday, November 11, 2011


Dear Laney,

It's been a good few weeks for your mom professionally. I wrote a script for an episode of network TV and scored my biggest production credit ever from our kitchen here in the boonies (also from a hotel room in Georgia, and a little from Granny Jack's dining room table).

I have a little illustration hanging in my bedroom that reads, "Everything changed the day she figured out there was exactly enough time for the important things in her life." I was on a business trip to Miami back when I was still dating your dad when I saw it in a gift shop. As cheesy as it sounds, it made me stop and think about what was important. And it was obvious to me - even in that gift shop - that the most "important thing" couldn't be found in Los Angeles - it was in the Navy, stationed in San Diego.

I bought the picture. I quit my job. I married your dad. I moved to Montana.

Five years later, I wouldn't change a thing. I just wanted to tell you that of all the things I write, these letters to you are my favorite.

TV may be fun, but you and your dad are Important.



  1. :) You amaze me. You've got the right perspective. I hope to be like you when I grow up :) Thanks for continuing to blog.


  2. Wow --- beautiful... and way to go on the credit too!
