Thursday, October 17, 2013

The Patient Patient

Hey y'all - 

Our dog Ella is done with her round of arthritis treatments at the vet. Hard to tell if they've done her any good, or if it's the daily hikes she's enjoyed as a result of your dad's furlough that are improving her overall mood. She's always been a drama queen (Hey Pot, this is Kettle. I know I'm black). If you suggest that she go outside to tinkle, she makes a sound like, "OH MY GOD, ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?!? I COULDN'T POSSIBLY! I'M COMIN', ELIZABETH!!" etc. But if you leave the room to brush your teeth, you'll come back two minutes later to discover the bagels you left in the middle of the dining room table are missing. 

Laney went along on the last two trips to the vet, and just like a lot of other skills she's been exposed to for, oh, a few minutes (dancing, hairdressing, firefighting), she's now an expert. The secret to getting Ella back in tip-top shape seems to be a combination of fluffing her fur with a Disney Princess hairdryer, giving her a "shot" by touching her with a ballpoint pen, and rubbing her down with a plastic sand shovel.  

Ella usually dozes - sometimes even snores - her way through the proceedings.

Sometimes, I feel bad for Ella because she has to take ibuprofen and glucosamine every day, and it takes her a while to get up in the morning. Then, I realize I've just described every person in my 82 year-old grandmother's exercise class down at the Methodist church, and those girls can boogie.*


* From 9a-4:30p, when they need to put their legs up and work on a crossword. 

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