Saturday, May 24, 2014

Graduation #2 - Laney Graduates from Preschool

Hey y'all -

Laney had her last day of preschool yesterday.  Her school had a "graduation" "ceremony" (neither of those words being accurate enough to go without quotation marks).

To our male readers: you know what it's like when your wife gets irritated by something, and it's all she can think about for a little while, and then it festers and takes on a life of its own until finally she's able to repress it... but you know it's still lurking there, under the surface? Twenty years from now - hand to God - if someone asks me "How was Laney's preschool graduation?" you'll be able to watch Thor hurl himself in slow motion in my direction while shouting "Noooooo..." like he's an action star trying to throw his body on a grenade in a movie about Vietnam. That's how bad it was.

But let's not let the event detract from its purpose: to see Laney wrap up her preschool career.

Her class performed two songs together, and that was that. It was official: she was a graduate. 

Impossible to believe she'll be starting kindergarten in the fall. Laney, your dad and I couldn't be prouder of how well you've done in school thus far, and we hope you continue to love learning as much as you do now. 

Happy graduation!


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