Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Christmas Show Extravaganza

Dear Laney,

I am becoming a connoisseur of elementary school plays and pageants. Your second grade holiday spectacular was by far the best holiday show I've attended thus far (with kindergarten's "Pirates of Pinataville" the real low point in the series).

For the weeks before the show, you would demonstrate to me the movements to each and every song in the program..."Then the third grade girls do THIS!" "Then the kindergarteners do THIS move...!" There's a recurring nightmare that every former drama major has, and it goes like this: You're backstage and someone whispers "That's your cue!!!" and you realize you're supposed to walk on stage, but you've never been to rehearsal and you've never read the play. I can tell you that in this case, I could have done it - I could have capably understudied any of those young'uns - because that's how often you talked to us about it.

The night before the show:

Laney: Mom...I need to wake up early so I can practice my lines.
Me: Really?
Laney: No.

The plot of the show was about toys coming to life under the tree on Christmas Eve...sort of a Fisher Price My First Nutcracker. 

For the benefit of the die-hards (grandparents), I edited together a 3-minute highlight reel of the show, with a few moments from each song. You can spot Laney because she is front and center, in a long red velvet dress, antique brooch, striped tights and purple sneakers. I had nothing to do with any of the above.

Roll that beautiful holiday footage:


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