Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Can't Swing A Dead Cat Without Hitting A Relative Swinging A Hammer

Hey, y'all - 

The end of 2017 was a flurry of home improvement projects and visiting relatives. All of a sudden, 
we had a guest room, and we knew how to use it. 

Your great-grandpa Ron came from Colorado. Before he retired, he'd been an electrical engineer, so he partially came to help wire some of our new lights. 

...But mostly he came to flirt with my friend Julie while she helped with demo. 

And believe me, there was a LOT of demo in those first few weeks.

Your dad and I were at our most attractive. 

Your dad would scratch off hardware store shopping lists on little tidbits of paper, and Laney and I would go to Home Depot for our fourth run of the day, trying to decode what the hell he was talking about. It was exhausting. 

Hagen very specifically wanted to paint his room a shade he called "Gotham Grey." He said "I want my room to be like New York City in the cartoons where superheroes have to save it." That's a fun thing to look for at Sherwin-Williams. He painted the bottom four feet of his room by himself. 

Then, Peg Peg and Tex arrived. 

Tex is really good with detail work, like installing this mural in Hagen's room, where the seams have to line up just so.

I installed LED lights in Iron Man's chest and hand, so Hagen could light them up at night with a remote control. 

Peg Peg re-upholstered some chair covers I'd done when they didn't pass quality control, and helped with all the curtains.

Hagen tackled flooring. It's a tough thing to attempt, but he quickly got good at making the Official Burbach Construction Face.

And finally, Grandpops made a few trips back and forth from Missouri to help especially with the construction of the new kitchen.

We gave him a few days off now and then for sledding, which is not his strong suit, but it sure was fun to watch. 

When it comes to making over an entire house from the ground up, it doesn't just take a village - it takes a whole damn family tree.


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