Sunday, January 9, 2011

Last Baby Standing

Dear Laney,

Your dad got most of the framing and drywall done today for our pantry/linen closet/stairwell project, and I don't think he could have done it without you.

You measured and marked the drywall, so he would know just where to make the cuts.

You carefully chose each screw that went into the wall, and handed them to your dad one at a time. More careful, safety-conscious parents would say, "What a terrible idea, letting a toddler handle a box of super-pointy choking hazards right next to a guy with a drill!" But if we had that attitude, we'd never get you ready in time for your Summer '11 apprenticeship with Uncle Nate.

Having exhausted all of the ways you could possibly help your dad, you joined me in the kitchen to be my sous chef as I made chicken enchiladas. I began to get suspicious when you started avoiding all eye contact.

So I took a closer look at that brick of sharp cheddar and noticed that it looked like it had already been through the grater...

Hmmm, could it be...

Yeah, mystery solved.

With your dad and me worn slap out from our day, there was only one family member left willing to play with you.

...although I don't know that Ella wants to play with your sticker book again any time soon. Knowing her like I do, she probably thinks having a sticky flower in her hair is completely demoralizing.

By 7pm, your dad and I were laid out on the sofa, Ella was hiding in her nook, and Gus had asked - no, begged - to go outside.

You win.


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