Saturday, February 19, 2011

Laney-To-English Dictionary

Dear Laney,

One of the reasons we first enrolled you in "school," was the idea that if you were around people that didn't speak Laneygese, you'd be forced to use more English. The plan is actually paying off, because you're at least more vocal than you used to be, and a lot more willing to try to repeat new and unfamiliar words. Here are some of your favorite words this week, along with their official Laney pronunciations:

Thanks! --- Acks! (this one is far and away my favorite)
Truck --- Uck
Yuck! ---Uck!
Up! --- Ep!
Help --- Ep?
Gus --- Esh
Flower --- Ow
I Banged My Head --- Ow (while pointing to head)
Apple --- App
Fish --- Ish Ish Ish (always 3 times)
Please --- Eesh
Cheese --- Eesh
Hi --- Heeeey (that one is totally the fault of your southern grandmother).
Why yes, I believe I would like a frozen yogurt --- Yaaaaaaaaahhhh! (w/ clapping)
Rock --- Rock

Other than being the offspring of a geologist, I can't imagine why "Rock" is the one word you've chosen to speak clearly. You point out the rocks in photographs, in storybooks, in the yard and on TV.

If you ask me, the whole thing is really bizarre.


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