Saturday, July 23, 2011

Parental Report Card

Dear Laney,

Chances are, every once in a while in your school career, you will run across a hippie dippy teacher who will review your work and then ask you, "What grade would you give yourself?" If you're anything like me, you won't be much for self-reflection, and you'll sputter out some kind of non-committal answer while on the inside you're thinking, "An 'A'...duh."

Yesterday, though, I got to thinking about my performance as a parent, and what grade I would give to your dad and me on the job we've done thus far. I thought, "We're pretty great parents! Sure, we make little mistakes now and again, but who out there is doing a better job than we are? Nobody, that's who! I give us a solid 'A'!"

And then I realize that you're hanging out in the back of a truck wearing my new flip flops that are still rubber banded together, chocolate on your dress, yogurt on your face, and an oil funnel for a hat.

And then I think, "Eh... C+."

But that's still passing, people!


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