Sunday, August 21, 2011

The End Before The Beginning

Dear Laney,

We had your 2nd birthday party today, and it was great fun. Friends, family, tacos, a makeshift water slide, two yellow jacket stings, presents, and an ice cream cake. I took so many photos that it's going to take me a while to get through them all (plus, I'm hoping Uncle Nate and The Other Brooke will share some of theirs). While I'm getting my birthday ducks in a row, I'll go ahead and share this little routine that you and Sam cooked up all by yourselves tonight, post-party. I heard the commotion coming from my bedroom and I had to investigate:

I can't remember when I've laughed that hard.

You and I were hanging out in my bed tonight, reading books, when your dad crept in and joined us. As I was putting the books away, I heard him whisper to you, "You're such a big girl." And I almost cried, 'cause it's true. As I type this, this is the view from my bedroom doorway:

It would be impossible for me to be more proud of you, or to love the two of you more.


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