Hey y'all -
In about 36 hours, we're heading out to Maryland to attend our friend Clay's wedding. Laney is scheduled to be the flower girl; Clay thinks I'm kidding when I ask him to sign a waiver that he won't come after me for damages should Laney get halfway down the aisle and decide she'd rather turn the place out with the tire iron she's hidden in her basket.
I keep running through the logistics in my head, trying to figure out everything I need to pack for two small children to cross the country, without having to write Delta a check for $2689.00 in baggage fees. Your dad's focusing on the potential pain, embarrassment and fatigue involved in transporting us to the East Coast. So we've both been busy.
Everyone in the house has had a cold in the last few weeks. Your dad even had a bad case of strep throat. Somehow, Laney's able to overlook her nasal issues in order to relive Easter over and over.

Laney's motor skills have taken a huge leap forward since I started pelting her with plastic eggs and telling her she can keep only the candy she catches.
Readers: Stay tuned for the saga of our trip, and when you're saying your prayers tonight, be sure to include, "Dear Jesus, thank you for not making me take three flights with two children and two car seats and one stroller and two suitcases and 75 diapers and a shuttle van."
I know I would.
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