Monday, April 29, 2013

Set To Pop

Hey y'all-

Your school is owned and operated by two lovely, fun women. One of them - Correy - also happens to be super pregnant. At a school function a few weeks ago, I asked her if I could take some maternity photos of her, because it's something I'd never tried. I forgot about the conversation for a while, and then a few days ago, Correy called and said that the doctor was predicting she might go into labor early, so if we were going to do pictures, we'd better get a move on.

There's this great scene in Raising Arizona where H.I. is trying to set the timer on his camera for a family photo, but his wife won't stop talking and as he's trying to warn her the shutter's about to click, he says, "We're set to pop here, honey."

I thought about that a lot the other day, as I grabbed my camera and headed out to take Correy's picture, because she is - quite literally - set to pop.

Thanks to Correy and her daughter Abby for the practice, and best of luck with the arrival of baby #2. 


1 comment:

  1. The silhouette picture is just lovely. And I spelled silhouette correctly on the first try.
