Friday, June 3, 2016

Fun Run 2016

Dear Laney,

Today was your school's annual Fun Run fundraiser. I'm not sure how this fundraiser works, because back in my day*, you had to get folks to pledge a certain amount of money per lap (or per word spelled correctly at a spelling bee, or successful jump at a jump-rope-a-thon). But for the Fun Run, people just pledge a flat amount, so you're not really incentivized to run. I blame the Millennials. (Just kidding, youngsters!)

I went even one step lazier and just wrote a check instead of having you ask grandparents for pledges. Grandparents, you each owe me $10. Every year, I tell the teachers that the fundraising forms that come home in the kids' folders should include an "opt out" "For $40, you can pretend this race isn't happening."

Hagen and I walked up to the school to watch you run. He's available for these sorts of social engagements ever since I pulled him out of his school in a snit.

He was so, so, so excited to stand on the side of the race route and put out his arm for a high five every time you came around:

But then, of course:

He took off running after you, and crashed the Fun Run. You and your friend Jude held his hand all the way around the school. 

You ushered him across the finish line, where Mrs. Carter noticed, "Hey, you look a little small to be a Fun Runner!"

For the last several laps, you mostly hung out with your friend Laila, walkin' an little and talkin' a lot...

...and then consoling each other over how exhausting the whole thing was.

Great job raising money for your school! (I guess. Maybe.)


* This is one of the phrases you think you'll never say, until you become a parent and find yourself saying it. "I can't have anything nice" is another popular one around here.

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