Wednesday, June 8, 2016

You're Going To Get Sick Of These Posts

Hey y'all -

Summer in Montana: You've gotta make the most of it. We seem to be going on a big adventure at least once a week these days. Most recently, we went to Seeley Lake with some friends last weekend. This time of year, the shores of the lake are full of lily pads, which makes for some fun snorkeling if you're into that kinda thing, which Laney most definitely is. Hagen likes to stand by his teacher Miss Julie in two feet of water and every once in a while yell "NOW WE DANCE!!" and then be-bop around her.

When your dad and I were dating, Peg Peg and Tex came to visit us here in Montana and your dad offered up all sorts of recreation options...We could raft! We could canoe! We could hike! In a moment that has become the stuff of family legend, Peg Peg touched him sympathetically on the arm and said in her best "Bless your heart" tone... "Honey, we don't do stuff."

Credit where credit's due, my mother DID get in a raft on that trip and (attempted to) paddle and was a (mostly) good sport about her hair moving, despite the healthy dose of Rave Mega Hold hairspray she'd applied.

I don't know if there's really a point to my telling you this, other than I like to dig out these photos of my mama every few years, because they tickle me to death.

I've had to adjust to being married to a guy who loves to do ALL the stuff. Turns out I like LIKE doing stuff. Minus mountain biking. Still not sold on that.

So every weekend this summer we'll probably end up doing something like this:

What a grind.


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