Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Afternoon at the "Museum"

Dear Laney,

This afternoon, we all loaded up and went to lunch at The Ranch Club, where you ate most of a Larabar, some apple puffs, a dozen or so sweet potato fries, a few tablespoons of chili, half a piece of bacon and a piece of toast. I am not making this up. You actually balled your fist around that piece of toast and didn't let it go until you finally finished it, half an hour later.

After lunch, we went to the Children's Museum (see - I didn't put quotes around it that time. I'm getting less snobby in my old age). Water was splashed, tunnels were explored, slides were slid, crayons were sorted, and Samantha climbed stairs for the first time.

Now, we're all going to bed because we are T-I-R-E-D.

Seriously, you guys are exhausting.


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