Sunday, November 10, 2013

A Magician Never Reveals Her Secrets

Dear Laney,

Ever since you got the chance to be the magician's assistant at the children's museum last weekend, you've been interested in learning magic tricks. On the first day, you developed a disappearing act, where you'd tell us you were going to disappear, then you'd make us close our eyes and count to five while you crawled under the coffee table. Then a little voice from under the table: "SEE? I DID IT!"

I only know one magic trick, taught to me by my cousin Greg when we were in third grade, and it involves hiding a coin between your thumb and index finger to make it "disappear," then making it reappear from your mouth or someone's ear or anywhere else that strikes your fancy. I decided to teach it to you, because I felt like you should elevate your game from the coffee table gag.

Your friend Max came over to play the other night, and you decided to put on your official magician costume and demonstrate your new trick:

Even Siegfried and Roy had to start somewhere.


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