Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Rolling On The River

Hey y'all - 

Last weekend, Brian and Tyler came for their annual visit. We waited till y'all were in school, and then we went rafting without you, because we're horrible, no-good, selfish people who wanted to have an adults-only day on the river. It's hard to believe, but your parents are capable of having fun without you. When I was little and had plans to go to a slumber party, I would always ask Peg Peg what she and Tex were going to do while I was away (as I was sure they'd be mourning my absence.) She would always smile and say, "We're going to jump in the freezer and play a little Whip n' Chill." (NOTE: This is the kind of thing that gets shared when certain people call and tell me to "put something on the blog." I'll put something on the blog, all right). 

It was an absolutely gorgeous day:

We brought along a bag of wine - as one does - and had a great time floating along in the river, while your dad paddled away on his paddleboard, pretending not to know the group of yahoos following him in the inflatable raft.

I think the highlight for me was when we were approaching some white water, and your dad yelled, "Here come some rapids!" and instead of rushing to pick up a paddle, Tyler - wearing my sun hat -hurried to finish his drink. Priorities, priorities.

It was in the 70s that day and absolutely lovely out, but that doesn't mean that the water was warm. Oh, no. Granny Jack always says when I was little that I wasn't happy swimming unless I had to break ice to do it. Filled with a little courage and a little discount Pinot Grigio, I decided to jump off the raft into the river for a swim. Y'all, it was cold. Stupid cold. I remember yelling things like, "My internal organs are in shock!" and "My system is shutting down!"*

Your dad hauled my butt back in the raft.

Check back tomorrow for tales of adventure that include you. Spoiler alert: I continue to make a fool of myself in the wilderness. 


* Not really, of course, but as a former drama major, I like to make the most of my moments of crisis. 

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