Saturday, June 27, 2015

Kindergarten, A-Z

Dear Laney,

For the last 26 days of the school year, your class did an "A to Z" countdown. Each day - for 26 days - there was a different theme that required some kind of activity or costume ("'P' is for Pajamas!") and was fun but frankly exhausting.

You're someone who dresses herself in ensembles like this for a NORMAL day of school:

Yes, that is an animal-print scarf from Talbot's on the left. Yes, that is a gold lame purse on the right. But then all of a sudden, "'C' is for Cowboys and Cowgirls," and we have to up our game. 

"F" was for "Field Day"

I forget which letter sent us on the Field Trip to the Smokejumper Center. Every kid tried to prove he or she could do the required 7 pull-ups to qualify for Smokejumper duty. They mostly focused on the pulls-ups portion of qualifying for the job, vs the "willing to hurl yourself out of a plane towards a raging wildfire with a chainsaw strapped to your back" part.

"R" was for Run, and you ran laps around the school to raise money for the PTA. I walked up to the school with Hagen in a stroller so we could cheer you on. Your teacher saw Hagen and invited him to run with the class, so Hagen did a quarter mile with you in his little Crocs. 

"S" was for Silly Pictures. I asked Mrs. Hosman what she normally did for silly pictures, and she said, "Take a picture of each kid with my iPhone." I told her I could do something a little more fun if she was into the idea, so on "S" day,  I hauled my backdrop and some lights and two laundry hampers of dress-up clothes to the school and we did a funny photo booth. I ended up doing pictures of every kid in every kindergarten class at the school. It was honestly great fun.


One of the last days of school was reserved for a reading performance. (Maybe "'T' for Theatre?") and your dad and I got to go to the classroom to see a reader's theatre production of The Very Hungry Caterpillar. You played the moon. Your line was: "Look, an egg!"

"Z" was for "Zip Away To First Grade," which I am not emotionally prepared to process just yet, because I am "'S' for Shocked At How Fast The Time Is Going," and "'N' for Nostalgic For That Eleven Pound Newborn I Had Just Yesterday," while also totally "'P' For Proud As Heck."


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