Wednesday, October 7, 2015

The Moon And Star

Hey y'all, 

We had a whirlwind of activity last week. I went to Vegas for a few days for a work thing...

...and I flew back to Missoula just in time to change clothes, meet up with your dad, and head out to see Miranda Lambert in concert.

Always nice to see (and hear) her; always shocking to see myself photographed next to someone who's professionally attractive. 

The next night was the Supermoon eclipse. Because your dad is one enthusiastic scientist, he suggested we all go up on our roof to get a good view of the blood moon. You guys climbed up the ladder with enough bedding to fill a housewares department. 

I brought along my camera and tripod and longest lens, because I wanted to see if - for fun - I could get a clear shot of the thing. Unfortunately, I left my camera remote down in the living room and had to try to figure out my camera's timer in the dark and then hold very, very still (if you press the shutter directly, it jiggles the camera just enough that your picture will be out of focus, since you have to have such a slow shutter speed to shoot a subject so far away in the dark). Much of our time on the roof was spent with your dad saying things like, "A lunar eclipse is what happens when the Earth falls directly betw- STOP TOUCHING YOUR MOTHER!!!"

Up on the roof, we talked about how the Supermoon won't be back for another 18 years...when Laney is 24. We talked about how the next time that astronomical event occurs, she'll be grown up and living in her own house. She thought that was totally cool. I tried not to cry thinking about it. 

We also talked about how your dad and I hope that when you look back on your childhoods, you'll remember these little mini-adventures we had as a family, and remember us as encouraging and fun. And if any of your grown-up friends someday ask you about your family, you'll say, "We did cool stuff together."

Laney, I look forward to watching the next Supermoon together from the roof of YOUR house in 2033. 


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