Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Bummer Bummer, Little Star

Goodness gracious, y'all -

Earlier this year, HBO aired the second season of a show called "True Detective." You should never watch it - mostly because it's inappropriate for children, but also because it was just plain boring and packed with characters without a single redeeming quality and had a completely meandering plot. BUT I thought of it last night because there was a bar in the show where a singer-songwriter would perform the MOST DEPRESSING music you've ever heard in your life. One internet commenter called it Depressing Dirges For Dive Bars.

This is how Twinkle Twinkle Little Star would be played there:

...On a ukelele that's missing half its strings, in a minor key, slowed down for maximum gravitas, with reimagined lyrics in the corner of a poorly-lit room, with just a promising enough finish to make me tune into the next episode. 

Nice work, you mini hipsters. You always keep me tuned in.


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