Sunday, December 16, 2018

A Year of Sibling Sweetness

Hey, y'all - 

Hagen came home from school yesterday with a tremendous tale of first grade woe. It went something like:

Hagen: "I didn't use my time wisely, so I missed out on recess and then when my class came back in, it was time to go to the "Proud Paw" store [Note: at school, the kids earn Proud Paws that look like dollar bills that they can cash in for prizes once a month at the store.] But I was last in line at the store and I didn't know what I wanted and I was still so sad about recess that I ran away from my class and started crying really hard. And then another teacher said "Should I go get Laney?" And I figured there must be lots of Laneys at my school - but when the mystery Laney showed up, IT WAS MY SISTER!!"

Me: "And then what happened?"

Hagen: "She hugged me and asked me where my class was and walked me back to the store and helped me pick out a prize and I got a game and everything is okay now."

Y'all, I can't tell you how often something like this happens. You two look out for each other in ways big and small, every day. You find ways to compromise and get along, and it's really astounding to watch from the outside. Hagen lets Laney be the teacher every time they play school, but if Hagen wants to be an astronaut, she'll make him a rocket seat and ask if he's "a go for launch."  She pushes him on the swing and helps him wash the windows and doesn't ignore him when her friends come around. She reads him stories and learns about his favorite Pokemon. I've only seen the two of you fight once, when Hagen needed some space. He decided he needed some boundaries, and was going to write up a list of rules about when it's okay to enter his room...and Laney helped him write it. 

I'm sure things will not always be this easy, but in the meantime, watching you two together is the great joy of my life. 


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