We woke up on Easter morning to sun shining through the windows onto the flowers that Grandma Sue had brought, and the day only got better from there. Look:
We took advantage of the beautiful warm day by getting lots of yard work done. We continued to uncover lots of toys that had mysteriously disappeared last November. Your dad got to set a lot of things on fire, which is apparently something dudes like to do - it's on the list right between "drink beer" and "scratch stuff."
You and Grandma Sue suited up to do some gardening.
You used your new Disney Princess watering can to help plant some radishes in the greenhouse. I don't especially like radishes, but since I seem to accidentally kill every plant I come in contact with, this is what I like to call a "non-issue."

What you liked best was watering your new river shoes. I didn't try to talk you out of it. You're still wearing some of your 6-12 month shoes, so I'm all for anything that will encourage those little piggies to grow.
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