Sunday, April 24, 2011

The Hunt Is On

Dear Laney,

Yesterday morning, we went to your first-ever Easter egg hunt in Alberton. They had divided the yard behind the community center into three sections, so we lined up behind the "Walking Toddler to 3 Year Old" sign. In our section of the yard, it looked like they didn't "hide" the eggs, so much as toss them from the comfort of a patio chair while drinking beer. Then, they announced that there was a rule that no adults could touch the eggs. You could point to the eggs to help your toddler, but you couldn't actually pick up the eggs. Probably a good rule, because you know how grandmothers can be.

Before the egg hunt started, I gave you a talk about how it didn't matter how many eggs you found, the important thing was to have a good time. This is the kind of speech a mother gives when she thinks her baby isn't going to grasp the competitive nature of an egg hunt*, but you got the hang of it right away, and even insisted on carrying your own basket.

What you didn't know until the hunt was over was THERE WAS CANDY IN THOSE EGGS. Holy moly. And your dad was only too willing to help you open them all and check out the loot.
P.S., When you're old enough to read this, you should remind your dad that he owes you two Werther's, a Milky Way and some gummy fish.

Of course we ran into our favorite Alberton resident - Cedar - at the egg hunt. We have to include a photo of her here, because if this blog is "The Love Boat," Cedar is our Charo.

We all consumed lots of sugar, ran and laughed and enjoyed the sunshine. Then I left it to Grandma Sue to explain why we needed to leave the Magical Land Of Playtime, Where Candy Grows On The Ground.


*Peg Peg does not have a version of this speech. Instead, she likes to yell, "GET IN THERE! THEY'RE TOUCHIN' OUR STUFF!"

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