Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Letting My Brain Catch Up

Hey y'all - 

I've always been one of those people who can't read a book if the radio is on. My brain can process one thing at a time, and I don't like a lot of background noise. Now, I have two small children, and my entire life is noise. Living with Laney (and I say this with all the love in my heart) is the audio equivalent of resting your ear against the speakers at an AC/DC concert. Combined with the usual sleep deprivation (Thanks, Hagen!), I'm going through a phase now where I can't seem to complete a thought. I get three or four words in a sentence, and I forget what I was trying to say. I'm all subject, no predicate. 

Grandma Sue, who loves party games and quiz shows, tries to help by guessing the second half of my thoughts, so our conversation sometimes goes like this:
Brooke: I really need to go...uh...
Grandma Sue: Pick up Laney at school? Get something from your car? Grab something from the store?
Brooke: Pee.
One day, my brain is going to evolve, and I'm going to get nine hours of sleep in a row and ooh, boy, I'll be on fire. In the meantime, here are some fragments from our past few days:


Peg Peg and Tex sent Laney a gift card to Target to pick out a toy for her birthday, and Laney chose a doctor's kit. Peg Peg got on the webcam and subjected herself to a thorough (virtual) physical from Dr. Laney. This is Peg having her mouth inspected by an ear doohickey:

If there is anything funnier than an almost 3 yr-old putting on a stethoscope and asking, "What seems to be the pwoblem?" I'd like to know what it is.


Ella used to spend most of her days bossing Gus around. Now that he's gone, she's chosen Hagen as her new project. And this works out fine, because he loves her.

The saddest/funniest thing is when Hagen crawls alllll the way from one room to another, just to grab on to her, and she gets up and moves at the last second. His face crumples and he cries, and Dad sings, "All by myyyyself.... Don't wanna be... All by myself..."

One day, I'll get my train of thought back on track, but today ain't the day.

Check with me after the pirate party.


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