Thursday, August 9, 2012

Swimmin' with Janis (UPDATED)

Hey y'all - 

Yesterday afternoon, our phone rang. I answered it, and had this conversation:

-Hi, Cedar.
-Would you like to go swimming with Laney at the river?
-OK, we'll put on our suits.

Cedar's had a lingering cold for the past few weeks. She may look like a 2 year-old, but she sounds like Janis Joplin, which is awesome. I mean, I know she's not on the other end of the line wearing a feathered hat and huge sunglasses, holding a cigarette and a bottle of Jack, but that's how I like to imagine her. 

So, we went swimmin'.

(All photos courtesy of Barnibbe Photography)

A storm was rolling in, so we needed to hurriedly pack up our stuff and go. Laney cried, "But I just want to stay here and play with Cedar!!" They had such a dramatic, heart-wrenching good-bye that Cedar even dropped to her knees to hug Laney one last time. It was like one of those scenes in the movies when the train is pulling out of the station circa-WWII and someone jogs along the train platform for one final goodbye as a tinkly piano plays and we all know they're never going to see each other again... versus Laney and Cedar, who will probably see each other this weekend.

UPDATE: Cedar's mom saw this blog post and felt obliged to send me the photos she'd taken of the dramatic parking lot farewell:



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