Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Give Me A Minute. Or A Week.

I know. It's been a week. In that time: I had the stomach flu. Hagen got the stomach flu. Laney caught a cold and brought it home. I had a cold. Hagen got the cold. We had a houseguest. I took a freelance job, only to discover that the work was four times as hard as I assumed it would be when I sent them an estimate. We toured preschools (more on that to come). We showed the house three times; I now think that we're never going to sell the place, and these showings are God's way of reminding me to clean my house. Thor and I spent five nights sleeping in shifts, because our children refused to sleep at the same time. On night 6, we let Laney take the iPod upstairs and told her she could watch Wonder Pets all damn night if she would promise to stay in bed. Bad parenting, or survival strategy? Eh, a little of column A, a little of column B.

So give me a minute, and I'll catch up. I promise.

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