Sunday, January 13, 2013

I Roll And I Tumble

Dear Laney,

You started gymnastics classes last week. Your teacher came and collected all of the 3 year-old "Fireflies," and swept you off into a world of slides and somersaults and trampolines. You were way on the other side of the gym from the parent holding pen upstairs, but from what I could see, you really enjoyed yourself.

The highlight for me, though, was watching Hagen watch you.

He pressed his head in between the bars and kept an eye on you as your class moved from one activity station to another.

Then, he decided to make his way around the viewing area, introducing himself to all the parent and sibling gymnastics fans by first hanging on to their pant leg, then smiling and lifting his shirt to show off his belly. "Put it away," I had to say, "Everybody's seen it." 

What this taught me: Dudes needing to take off their shirts at sporting events to show their support for their favorite athletes is a primal force that can't be stopped. Doesn't matter if they're rooting on The Pack, or the Fireflies. 

Must be nice to have your own (semi-nude) cheering section. 


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