Monday, January 20, 2014

Six Degrees of Bagels

Dear Laney,

There's a pop culture party game that's been around for a decade or so called "Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon." As the theory goes, you can link any other actor to Kevin Bacon in six steps or less. For example, if another player calls out, "Bill Cosby," you could say "Bill Cosby was in 'Malcolm X' with Karen Allen who was in 'Animal House' with Kevin Bacon." Bill Cosby to Kevin Bacon in two steps.

You're exceptionally good at the "six degrees" game, only instead of linking back to Kevin Bacon, your trick is to incorporate baked goods into every conversation.

For example, this dialogue actually transpired in our car the other day:
Mom: Laney, did you know my cousin Reed is getting married in April? 
Laney: Speaking of people getting married to each other, you know you and dad got married at the court house? 
Mom: Yeah... 
Laney: Well, the court house is next to the bagel place and I'd really like to eat a bagel.

My cousin Reed to a bagel in two steps. You win.


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