Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Moms Gone Wild (-ish)

Hey y'all - 

I have some mom friends, and it's always a challenge to figure out how we can spend time together and make it work with our mom obligations. If we waited 'til all 5+ of us had a spouse or babysitter lined up for childcare, we'd only be able to have a beer together once a year when the moon was in the 7th house and Jupiter aligned with Mars. We don't dare meet at a restaurant with children in tow. Naps are usually 12-2ish, and everyone needs to be home for bedtime by 8p. It's like a standardized test word problem: "If Julia's children are only awake for two hours every morning, but Jessica's children have to be in bed at 7, and Vanika's children have to have a three hour nap, when could these women have a conversation?"

So, with Thor out of town with the Navy, I sent an e-mail to some mom friends and invited them over for Mom Brunch. 10:00am. Come in your pajama pants! Don't brush your hair. Bring your young'uns to my fenced-in yard, full of toys and diversions! Bloody marys, mimosas and hashbrown casserole provided! Don't forget your swimsuit.

The day before the get-together, I bought a slip n' slide for $7 at the grocery store and let Laney try it out:

One mom showed up to my house with three boiled eggs in her pocket: "I wanted to contribute something, so here." Definitely the most unique hostess gift I've ever received. I think everyone had a great time. I know I did - it was the first time I'd barreled down a Slip n' Slide since...oh...1986? Yes, there are pictures. No, you can't see them.

Moms: We party more by 10:30am than most people do all day (assuming we can work it in between breakfast and afternoon nap and our husbands don't mind picking us up after).

I love summer.


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