Friday, June 27, 2014

The Kindergarten Check-Up

Dear Laney,

You start kindergarten in two months. Whew. I'm sure I'll have more to say on how time flies, etc as your first day gets closer. In the meantime, we got a letter from your school letting us know that you needed some updates to your vaccinations before school starts.

I decided not to mention the shots part, and instead tried to sell it as a social occasion: "Laney! We get to go visit Dr. Hoover!" First thing out of your mouth: "Do I have to get a shot?"So I 'fessed up, and spent the rest of the time 'til the appointment talking about shots and why they're necessary.

Most of the exam was great - you sailed through all of the prerequisites. Then it was time for you to get your shots, and you started bawling. You locked yourself in an upright "L" position and covered your thighs, and the nurse told me I'd need to hold you down while you got the four shots. I asked if we could get an additional nurse in there so they could each take a side and we could do 'em all at once, because if I had to hold you down through four individual shots, we'd all need to sign up for PTSD therapy. So they brought in a second nurse.

It was over in 8 seconds; like bull riders, I now know that 8 seconds is an eternity. Then you cried some more and I cried some more and they gave you a popsicle and it was over. By the time we made it to the parking lot, the whole ugly incident had been transformed in your mind to a triumphant rite of passage.

Now, you mention this check-up all the time... "I like playing with Maya, even though she isn't as big as me because she hasn't had her kindergarten check-up." Or, "I can get on and off the horse at the carousel all my myself because I'm so grown up - I've already had my kindergarten check-up." We're just waiting on, "I can charter a plane and fly to Bangkok and violate international law and two of the ten commandments...because I've had my kindergarten check-up."

I was looking through some old photos the other day and found this picture I took with my phone of your 15-month check-up.

...and then here's a picture I took last night at your first baseball game, three and a half years later:

Incredible. You find new ways to amaze and impress me every day, not least of which because you've had your kindergarten check-up.


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