Thursday, August 28, 2014

The Kindergartener

Dear Laney,

Yesterday, we went to kindergarten orientation at your new school. We met your teacher and you picked your cubby and we took a tour of the school and practiced locking and unlocking the bathroom stall doors so you won't get trapped inside the potty. These are the crises kindergarten teachers must prepare for. We practiced how to drop you off and how to pick you up and how you'll walk to the cafeteria. And I did not cry, not once, all day. 

When your dad and I decided on the spur of the moment to get married at the County Courthouse back in '08, I remember turning to your dad outside the judge's chambers and asking, "Are you freaked out? It seems like this should feel like a bigger deal than it does." Your dad shrugged and said, "Not really. I've felt like we've been married for the past year." And that's kinda how we've both felt about your starting've been going to school for years, you have no problem hanging out with new people, and if we'd stop chasing after you, you'd probably make it all the way to Orlando via Denver. This is just another fun adventure, and we're sure you're going to do just fine. 

Today was your first "official" day of school, when I had to drop you off and leave you there. 

For the past few years, I've been asking you on the first day of school what you want to "be" when you grow up. To be clear, I don't ask you this because I'm invested in the answer. You could say "happy" or "a long-haul truck driver," and that would be just fine. Mostly, I do it because it delights me that you always have an answer without having to think about it, and the answers are always a hoot. 

Last week, knowing that the first day of school was approaching, I asked you again:

Me: Hey, Laney, what do you think you'll want to do when you grow up?
Laney: I want to be a secret agent.
Me: A WHAT?!?
Laney: You know, like a super spy. 
Me: Well...okay...but you're going to have to work hard in school and learn a lot of languages and it's almost impossible to find an affordable apartment near Langley. 

So this morning before school, right before I hit "print" on the sign, I asked you one more time what you wanted to be, just to make sure. And as of 8am this morning, this was your answer:

I like to think that you still want to be an international super spy, and you've already chosen your cover as a cat-training librarian. Those evil dictators abroad will never suspect the short, bookish blonde trailed by a herd of highly-trained ninja cats. 


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