Friday, March 9, 2012

The Hard Way

Hey y'all -

As anyone who's spent any time at our house knows, your dad loves a good outdoor adventure. Unfortunately - for a scientist, especially - he has no real sense of time, space and distance when it comes to these adventures, and it's a good rule of thumb to assume that every outing with Thor will take three times as long, be four times as far, and five times as uphill as originally promised. My friend Karen calls it The Burbach Rule; we should just assume that Thor is using the metric system, and times everything by ten. Here's a handy guide for everyone to clip n' save before their next visit to our house:

Last weekend, Laney really, really, really wanted to fly a kite. So I sent an e-mail to Cedar's family letting them know that we were coming in to Alberton, and would be at the field near their house and they should join us if they were around.

Instead, we drove to the (flat, convenient) field, where your dad decided there wasn't enough wind and we simply couldn't work with the conditions. So you know what we did instead? All together now: We climbed a damn mountain, until we got to a spot with enough wind to suit your dad. I carried Hagen in the baby carrier up the hill and your dad hauled Laney and the kite.

When we got home from our adventure, I learned that Cedar and her family had walked over to the (flat, convenient, perfectly reasonable) field by their house, and (very successfully!) flown their kite. Arg.

It's so irritating when your dad tries to build our character. Now, where's the remote?


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