Thursday, March 22, 2012

Spitting You Out

Dear Laney,

In Greek mythology, it's said that the goddess Athena sprang from her father Zeus's head, fully formed. In the South, we say, "Woooweee, her mama spat her out." In both cases, the point is that the offspring is more than a little like her parent.

When you were a baby, I thought you were just like your dad, but good golly, Miss Molly: I was wrong. The older you get, the more I realize how much we have in common. Last night, you hopped up from the dinner table and started a monologue about God knows what - probably pirates - but you were talking so fast, we could only understand about 40% of what you were saying. You dad said, "You can say she's like me all you want, but not once in my life have I ever started talking just because I like the sound of my own voice. Never."

And then sometimes, I go through pictures of you, and a certain one hits me, and I find myself saying "Holy guacamole."

Because y'all, that's me in that polar bear hat.

Your poor dad.


P.S. I know what you're all thinking, and you're right: Both photography and carpeting have made great strides since the late 70s.

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