Thursday, December 20, 2012

Santa Claus At School

Dear Laney,

Santa Claus came to your school on Tuesday. As always, I couldn't believe how well-behaved you and the other kids are at that school (and that's not the set-up for a joke). Santa came in, and told everyone they'd need to stay quiet while he gave a gift to each and every child. And they did.

For the day's performance, the role of Santa Claus was played by your principal's father. True story: every dude in Montana over the age of 60 looks like Santa Claus.

You stayed patiently in your spot, even though you were the next-to-last person to receive a gift from Santa's big bag.

Not a single child cried. Everyone sat on Santa's lap. Get this: Every kid held their present without opening it until Santa had distributed all the gifts and counted, "One...Two...THREE!"

Your dad, who drops you off and picks you up most days, thinks that the school medicates the students.  I thought he was kidding. But after witnessing Santa's visit and seeing how sweet and patient all the kids were, I honestly don't mind if they're feeding you organic burritos with laudanum salsa. 


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