Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Killjoy Was Here

Dear Hagen -

Until we move to our new house, you and your sister are sharing a bedroom. I could use a million adjectives to describe your sister: brilliant, outgoing, verbose, etc. Two words I would never use to describe her, however, are quiet and contemplative*. She does not like to be alone, and she always wants something exciting to do.

Her latest maneuver is to wake up at 5:00am (heck, sometimes 4:45am), realize she's the only one awake, and go trolling for adventure. Typically, she pushes her play kitchen next to your bed, climbs up on the wooden stovetop, launches herself over the railing and into your crib and wakes you up to PLAY!!

Like most normal people, you would prefer to sleep. So as your sister bounces around your crib like she's the grand finale act in a Cirque Du Soleil show, you cover your head and cry.

Then, Laney cries and yells, "HAGEN DOESN'T WANT TO PLAY WITH ME!"

No kidding.

Most mornings, your dad wakes up to a child who's crying because he wants to sleep, a child who's crying because she wants to play, and a wife who's crying because IT'S FIVE IN THE MORNING AND WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE?!?

I guess that's another word I'd never use to describe your sister: boring.


* I was packing the house this weekend, and Laney talked so much and so loudly and in such a sing-songy voice that I thought my head was going to pop. I said, "Laney, I will give you some serious cash money if you can be quiet for just five minutes." She thought about it for half a beat and said, "Nope. Can't do it."

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