Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Making Our Social Debut

Hey y'all -

We're not making much progress with our unpacking. Well, that's not technically true. We've moved everything out of boxes marked "MISC," and have instead pushed our belongings into piles of actual miscellaneous. This was a mistake, which we should have learned from every B horror movie ever made; when the contagion escapes the lab and is allowed to roam uncontained, that's when people start disappearing and all hope dies.

Your dad and I are overwhelmed, but you two seem to be loving the change of scenery.

Laney's bed is directly under a skylight, which she loves. She can wile away the afternoon lying in the sun and making dramatic declarations like, "Did you know there are seven continents?" And I reply, "No! That can't be right. Is it? I thought there were 9. No, that's Supreme Court justices. Don't hassle me. I'm moving."

...and there's a deck perfect for an afternoon spent eating Fudgesicles.

Both kids have gotten to help out with projects. Laney asked if she could fold all the towels and put them away, which she did. Hagen likes to sit next to his dad while Thor assembles furniture and "help" by banging the hell out of things with an assortment of sharp objects. So far, all of our beds are on frames and no one has lost an eye. I've decided I don't need to watch how the sausage is made; I can just enjoy the hot dog.

At the closing, our real estate agent asked me how my family felt about our move into town. I told her it had been a topic on the prayer lists of several fine, upstanding Methodists for years, but they also needed God to find a new coach for Auburn, so it took a little longer than expected.

Our first night in the new house, we went out to dinner at Outback, and Hagen got to eat most of his sister's sundae. It was such a giddy experience for him that he stood up on his side of the booth and giggled the whole time he was eating. It was so much fun to watch that we looked up and discovered all of the families in the booths around us were also watching and laughing. Your dad figured out how to use his new iPhone just in time to capture 7 seconds of video:

How Hagen feels about that ice cream? That's how I feel about living in town.



  1. I didn't know you were an Auburn fan. I hope we can still be friends.

    1. I'm not. Nor of any other team, really. I'm an equal opportunity ignorer. (Which in the South, I know, is equivalent to telling everyone you're an atheist). Our friendship remains intact.

    2. That's good news. We are considering moving to East Tennessee. I am still working out how to wear my Crimson Tide t-shirts in those parts without getting my tires slashed. Wish me luck.

  2. Ahhh, Outback.
    Fond memories of a long time ago, in another lifetime...
