Sunday, July 7, 2013

But Wait - There's More!

Dear Laney,

In addition to your nightly ballerina shows, you've added some additional acts this week. First, you staged a series of porch concerts with the help of a socket wrench microphone.

Then, almost an hour past your bedtime last night, out of nowhere, you said, "I think I should put on a puppet show." Sometimes as a parent, you find yourself torn - sure, you want to maintain rules and order, but on the other hand, sometimes you just want to see how stuff plays out. So I agreed to the late-night show. Your dad said, "She's definitely your daughter, because I HATE puppet shows. Always have." I gave him a little lecture on the importance of being a patron of the arts, and reminded him that I had talked at great length at lunch about how super-duper-fun! MATH can be, all without rolling my eyes once.

So your dad relented and put up a bench and a spotlight for you to stage your show:

For the first part of the show, this little red guy was a mom, but halfway through was suddenly revealed to be an uncle. Shakespeare made a whole career out of such gender-related surprises - I'm not a boy, I'm a girl - let's get married! - and everyone thinks he's a genius.

There was a dramatic Act II beat when this pig lost his daddy, but the little red mom/uncle told him it was all going to be okay.

And then the pig got a soliloquy. SPOILER ALERT: He later finds his daddy, offstage.

An impressive performance overall...twenty minutes of drama, comedy and pathos played without intermission. 

Hagen started the show as Pig Understudy,

...but was quickly promoted to lighting tech/stage manager. This is a wise career move, because those are the only people in the theatre who ever make any money. 

Bravo! Bravo! Standing ovation and all that jazz.


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