Thursday, July 18, 2013

"Beautiful Children with Beautiful Mouths"

Hey y'all -

That's what your dentist had to say about you yesterday. Hagen had his first dental appointment; it was an easy 3-minute affair, with the dentist letting him sit on my lap while she examined his teeth and gave him a little brushing of fluoride. I wasn't surprised he sailed through; Hagen's taken to walking around the house, brushing his teeth for fun. When his turn was over, he entertained himself by taking a hundred pictures of himself with my phone.

Laney's exam was a little more extensive, but she hardly noticed, since they gave her sunglasses to keep the light out of her eyes, and Bose headphones to enjoy the episode of "Doc McStuffins" playing on the ceiling-mounted flat screen TV.

When the hygienist finished and we were waiting on the dentist to come in, Laney shattered the silence in the office by singing along with "Doc McStuffins" in that way that only someone wearing earphones can. She belted TIME FOR YOUR CHECK UP! TIME FOR YOUR CHECK UP! until everyone in the surrounding offices was giggling. 

Laney also had zero cavities, although her good report was more of a mystery. We have to beg, threaten, bribe, cajole, coax, plead and occasionally restrain her to get her teeth brushed every night. Basically, your dad and I should split the rings and bouncy balls she picked as her post-exam prizes. 


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