Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Record Numbers

Hey y'all -

It hit 100 degrees at our house yesterday, and I don't mean in the oven. Like many (most?) houses in Missoula, our house doesn't have air conditioning, because 359 days a year you don't need it. But yesterday was rough. I don't know who hates the heat the most: my furry husband, my sled dog, or my mother-in-law. Grandma Sue has basically let it be known that we won't be seeing her between the hours of 10am and 7pm until September.

Yesterday was also Hagen's 18-month check-up. We love Dr. Hoover, so much that we wish we could adopt her into our family. But we loved her a little less yesterday when she chuckled her way through telling us that Hagen is in the 99th percentile for head size, 76th percentile for weight, and 3rd percentile for height. "Did you say thirtieth?" I asked. "Nope! Third! As in 1-2-3, third! (giggle, giggle)." She said  she'd be more concerned, had she not seen very similar numbers on Laney's chart. "I definitely recognize that body," she said, pointing. What she was basically saying is that he's a very very handsome, charming, fun and personable human bobble head doll.

Hagen, you're ahead of the curve on your gross and fine motor skills, and you're doing well on your communication skills, too, having added "bubbles" and "pop! pop! pop!" and "please" and "Got you!" to your vocabulary this past week.

...and yesterday, I watched you eat three peaches in one sitting. You pronounce both "peach" and "please" like "pease," so it's possible you kept asking politely "Pease, pease," for something else, and I kept shoving peaches at you. Sorry.


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