Friday, May 30, 2014

The Circus Act

Dear Laney,

For the past week or so, you've been workshopping a new circus act in the backyard, incorporating your swing and tremendous feats of aerial daring.

First things first, you demand to be introduced. And I don't mean with a simple, "Here's Laney!" No, no. Just like the Queen of England has to be introduced as "Elizabeth The Second, By the Grace of God,  of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Her Other Realms and Territories..." blah blah blah, you much prefer something like, "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! For one night only! Brace yourselves for the aerial stylings of the Queen of the Stratosphere - the Mistress of Spin! - Put your hands together for Miss...Laney...Burbach!!!" And then the crowd (me) is expected to go nuts while you make your grand entrance.

Then, you usually make a little speech that starts, "For my first trick..." and then wind yourself up as tight as that Ikea swing will allow.

And then it's off to the races.

Followed by a similar act, upside down.

Then, when your audience is completely agog at your performance (but mostly your ability to spin around 500+ times without throwing up), you begin the show-ending bows and curtsies and twirls sequence.

This typically takes 3x longer than the performance itself. 

And then we do it all over again. 

This would be a great time for the grandparents to come show their appreciation for the arts. 


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