Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Bye Bye, Peg Peg & Tex

Dear Laney,

Your Florida grandparents left this morning after spending a little over two weeks with us here in the boonies. They were a HUGE help - most of all by heading up the Laney Activities Committee. The back half of that saying, "It takes a village..." should be, "...to drink gallons of imaginary tea, put together the same puzzle for the 800th time, make up songs about a cowgirl and her rocking moose, and watch untold hours of Diego," but that probably wouldn't fit so well on a bumper sticker.

They did get to hold your new brother on occasion,

but rest assured, their primary task was keeping you entertained. A few nights ago, you got out the dress-up clothes box that Grandma Sue got you for Christmas, put on as many items as possible, and forced Peg into a tea party. You're really into this crazy bridal veil that you call your "crown," and it has a funny-but-disturbing way of making you look like Miss Havisham as a toddler. Anyway, hilarity ensued:

We were sorry to see Peg Peg and Tex leave this morning. A new pile of dirty clothes has materialized in my bedroom, and I'm starting to suspect they're not going to wash themselves.


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